"a triumph", 5 Sterne
This bold vision, under gripping musical direction by Hartmut Haenchen, with Georg Zeppenfeld as a slim Gurnemanz in Muslim head-covering providing unparalleled vocal command and depth of sympathy, carried all before it. With Klaus Florian Vogt as a powerfully heroic Parsifal, along with the beautiful gold, silver and piercing iron of Elena Pankratova’s voice as Kundry, Gerd Grochowski as a subtle and well sung Klingsor, American baritone Ryan McKinny as a noble and agonised Amfortas, and his father Titurel (Karl-Heinz Lehneras) seen here as an old man rather than a cavernous voice inside a coffin, this was a cast of distinction, helping Bayreuth to recover its reputation for musical and artistic supremacy.
The chorus was exceptional as always, and despite reported artistic differences between Andris Nelsons and music director Christian Thielemann that led to Haenchen replacing Nelsons,
the new conductor rallied the orchestra using his own score, creating a musical triumph.
Mark Ronan
Ganze Rezension