www.classicalsource.com, 15. Oktober 2021
..."All the above was
flattered by Hartmut Haenchen’s expert ear for balance. His affection for the score was clear from the overture onward, and chorus and orchestra responded with a natural, warm sound and nonchalant style. It proved with simple directness that the opera is about the power of music to prevail over human frailty and chaos."..."It was an evening that made you fall in love – again – with Mozart’s mystic pantomime."
Peter Reed
Ganze Rezensionhttp://celex.s205.xrea.com, 06. Oktober 2021
..."Especially since it’s
so well conducted by the veteran kapellmeister, 78-year-old Hartmut Haenchen, using traditional tempi and dynamics....
Ganze Rezensionwww.london-unattached.com, 23. September 2021
..."Conductor Hartmut Haenchen controlled the orchestra of The Royal Opera House effectively
with energetic tempi driving the piece forward and tight ensemble performances...."
Adrian York
Ganze Rezensionwww.opera-online.com, 20. September 2021
"...Hartmut Haenchen’s conducting is
excellent as he makes the score feel pithy while still bringing
a real sense of lyricism to it...."
Ganze Rezensionwww.musicomh.com, 19. September 2021
4 stars
Musically, it was
first-rate too.... In the pit Hartmut Haenchen led a ... sprightly performance, and was rewarded with
warm playing from the orchestra..."
Ganze Rezensionwww.britishtheatreguide.info, 18. September 2021
..."And nothing gets more thrilling than Mozart’s divine music. A wonder to hear it live again,
played joyously by the Royal Opera Orchestra under the baton of Hartmut Haenchen..."
Vera Liber
Ganze RezensionDaily Mail, 17. September 2021
Hartmut Haenchen conducted in style.
Patrick Marmion
Ganze Rezension Public, 17. September 2021
Hartmut Haenchen carried out in taste.Ganze Rezension Sunday Times, 16. September 2021
4 stars: ..."After an
energetically shaped overture, the conductor Hartmut Haenchen is
good at bringing out the rapt wonder of the score — and shaped some of the male choruses with shadowy flickers of Mozart’s Requiem ..."
Ganze Rezensionwww.bachtrack.vom, 16. September 2021
Musically it was rewarding, too. At 78 the German conductor Hartmut Haenchen is no spring chicken, but
his reading of Mozart’s late score fizzed with youthful élan from first to last and both the ROH Orchestra and a very good ‘A’ company (it alternates with a ‘B’ cast that looks just as promising) responded to him with charm and enthusiasm...."
Ganze RezensionMail on Sunday, 16. September 2021
4 Sterne
....beautifuly staged Mozart,, this could be one for you.
Especially since it's so well conducted by veteran kapellmeister, 78-year-old Hartmut Haenchen, using traditional tempi an dynamics.
David Mellor
Ganze Rezensionwww.classicalsource.com, 15. September 2021
4 stars
..." All the above was flattered by Hartmut Haenchen’s
expert ear for balance. His affection for the score was clear from the overture onward, and chorus and orchestra responded with a natural, warm sound and nonchalant style.
It proved with simple directness that the opera is about the power of music to prevail over human frailty and chaos. .."
Peter Reed
Ganze Rezension