
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Discovering Masterpieces

Kammerorchester C.Ph.E.Bach, Einführung und Dirigent: Hartmut Haenchen

Einführung (27 Min) und Konzert (30 Min)

EuroArts 2056018, 2006

Enthaltene Werke

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Sinfonie C-Dur KV 551 (Jupiter)


Fanfare Magazine, 2008

This highly detailed and informative DVD about Mozart’s most spectacular symphony is a real must. The makers have succeeded in extracting the most important issues on this symphony into a comprehensive, detailed, and yet brief documentary. Haenchen leads the public in an understandable way through a symphony that belongs among the most fascinating works Mozart ever wrote. Each movement is explained in such way that it remains comprehensible for the uninitiated, but also keeps the attention of those who know the symphony inside out.
Every explanation of the score is illustrated with a musical example, taken from a live concert with the C. P. E. Bach Chamber Orchestra in November 2005 at the Konzerthaus in Berlin. It’s a very enjoyable performance, and although it doesn’t rank with the very best available, it’s still a significant rendering. The homogeneously soft and enchanting string sound is especially enjoyable. The woodwinds produce a unified color that is captured well by the recording engineers.
Haenchen proves once more that he’s a reliable, intelligent, and true musician. His tempos are never extreme, but they’re never boring, either. After listening to both Haenchen’s documentary and performance of the work, I was amazed at his research and craftsmanship. Haenchen is truly a musician who deserves more recognition as a great conductor.
Which recording to choose as a reference is a really tough job—the choices are innumerable. Colin Davis’s recordings of Mozart’s last symphonies on Philips remain the best choices for me; sheer musicianship combined with a gorgeous orchestral sound and superb engineering make that a great recording. There are also the transparent performances of Trevor Pinnock with The English Concert, or Neville Marriner’s on Philips or EMI with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields.
Whether you’re a beginner to the world of Mozart’s genius or not, this DVD offers helpful information, illustrated by one of Europe’s finest musicians.
Bart Verhaeghe
Fanfare Magazin, 01. September 2008
Die Konzertführer-Reihe DISCOVERING MASTERPIECES gibt einen völlig neuen Einblick in die großen Werke vom Barock bis zur Moderne. Im ersten Teil, der ausführlichen Dokumentation, kann der Zuschauer anhand zeitgenössischer Gemälde, historischer Filmausschnitte und vieler interessanter Hintergrundinformationen in die Zeit und das Leben Mozarts eintauchen. Hartmut Haenchen, Leiter des Kammerorchesters Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, erklärt die musikalische Bedeutung dieser großartigen Sinfonie auf anschauliche und spannende Weise und macht so das eigentliche Konzert, das im zweiten Teil der DVD zu sehen ist, zu einem doppelten Vergnügen.
www.digitalvd.de, 15. September 2007